Slow the Fading
Microblading is making an impressive entrance into the makeup and fashion world. It has become an overwhelmingly popular process for women looking to fill-in and shape their eyebrows. While it does require follow-up appointments, it is a procedure that when managed properly can last up to three years! The small blade will make incisions in […]
Touch-ups are Necessary
Nothing that is truly worth having comes without time and dedication; that includes your eyebrows! Microblading is a process that inserts pigment into the skin, like a tattoo, to create small strokes that appear hair like. Touch-up sessions are needed after the initial appointment but can end up lasting for 1-3 years. It is a […]
Microblading is a Commitment
Everyone wants eyebrows! Thick, lush, perfectly arched eyebrows are the “it” things on the home page of Instagram and so beautiful to watch be formed and shaped. It almost is like an art and microblading, in a sense, is just that! It takes a skilled artist to correctly fill in your eyebrows while at the […]
Notify Your Technician if You Have Any Concerns
Any procedure, whether cosmetic or medical, can come with potential complications. Though the percentage is small (about 1% or 1 in 100 people), getting an infection after your microblading session is a possibility. By following proper aftercare steps you significantly decrease this likelihood. However if do find yourself with concerns regarding your eyebrows than contact […]
Fading is Normal
They are bold, beautiful, and you see them everywhere on Instagram: eyebrows. Yes, well-shaped, thick eyebrows have become the fashion trend most girls, and even some guys, desire. The more defined, arched, and full, the better. So for those who might not have gotten so lucky in that department, microblading becomes the saving grace! What […]
Anticipate A Touch-Up
After all the makeup pencils, the gels, and the creams, you finally found the answer to all your eyebrow prayers; microblading. It’s a quick fix to getting back in the eyebrow game that only cost you a couple of hundred dollars, but it’s so worth it. However, after learning all the rules of the procedure, […]
Swelling and Bruising
You shouldn’t be alarmed if you notice bruising, swelling, or redness while your brows start healing. All of these are typical and occur with most patients. Fortunately, eyebrow tattoos are less affected by swelling and bruising compared to other cosmetic tattoos such as eyeliner and lips. There are various ways to alleviate the slight pain […]
Leave the Scabs Alone
After your microblading procedure, you’ll notice scabs start to form after about five days. This is normal, and a natural part of the healing process. What’s important is how you treat these scabs. There are several key things to know: Why Do Scabs Form? During microblading, a small cut made at the dermo-epidermal junction, the […]
Protect Your Brows From the Sun
While microblading differs from traditional tattooing, the aftercare steps for your eyebrows and tattoos on other parts of the body are very similar. Like with regular tattoos, UV rays from both sunlight and artificial tanning beds are the number one cause of fading for microbladed eyebrows. It is for this reason that all microblading technicians […]
After Microblading Care: Avoid Ointments
After a microblading procedure, applying ointments and creams to the affected area can interfere with the skin’s natural healing process and even ruin the technician’s hard work to improve your eyebrows. Even when certain skincare products are part of your daily skin care routine, it is crucial for both your health and the outcome of […]